Pittsburgh Photos
Digital Transfer Services |
Home Movies to DVD
Transfer Videotape to DVD
Professional Slide Scanning Services
(412) 758 -
The average
video tape is 15 years old and is quickly nearing the end of its
usable life. You can permanently destroy videotape by simply playing
it a single time! Even without playback, these video tapes are at
the end of their lifespan and are susceptible to degradation and
loss due to natural organic breakdown and the ravages of wear, heat
and moisture. Now is the time to transfer your VHS,
VHS-C, Mini DV,
& 8mm Video to DVD. |
If you're
like most people, the images of your life are fading away in
shoeboxes, albums and slide carousels. And if you've gone digital,
your newer photos are just as scattered-on your computer, in emails
or hidden on unlabeled CDs and DVDs. Let Pittsburgh Pictures
scanning service
create an easy-to-manage digital library that makes it easy to share
and enjoy all of your pictures online, in photo scrapbooks, DVD
slideshows and more. Take your old photos to digital today. |
Old home
movie film dates back to the 1930s. It was a fantastic innovation,
allowing families to record motion pictures of ordinary life - just
like Hollywood, but now is the time to transfer that film to DVD.
While film is more durable than videotape, it's decades old and
currently at the end of its lifespan. It's also highly inconvenient
or completely impossible to watch - as home movie projectors are
obsolete. Even if you have one, you have likely forgotten how to use
it, it's broken, or more importantly - running old brittle film
through it will break it or burn it, thus ruining the treasured
memories. |
are, your old slides are some of the most precious things you have.
So when you send them off to a service like ours, you expect them to
be treated carefully. At Pittsburgh Pictures, we understand that. We
never run them through some automated correction process, where a
piece of software guesses its way through a batch of your most
important memories. Yet with most services, that happens all the
We think there's a better way. We think that every single slide you
send us should be examined with a good eye and a terrific set of
hands. That's why we've designed our service from the ground up
around the idea of individually processing and correcting your
slides as needed. |

Every format, we've
got you covered.
quality and guaranteed safety at industry beating
prices. |